Cooking and Quilting Related?

OK, this post is going to be a bit off topic.  But really, aren't cooking and quilting related?  Cooking, just as in quilting, means planning, pondering, gathering supplies, considering composition, and of course when finished - it's all about presentation.

And that's what this post is really about - presentation.

I haven't been too happy lately with my personal presentation.  Let me be honest.  I've worked my way back into my fat clothes.  Though I'd love to say it happened overnight, of course it didn't.  It happened ever so slowly when I fell off the wagon and began embrasing ice cream with banana's and chocolate sauce way too often.  *heavy sigh*  So in order to banish the dreaded clothes with no waist....I need to put my head into planning mode.  Just like I have to do when starting a new quilt.

Since planning when it comes to food is where I'm falling down, I've begone researching cooking sites and apps for my iPad that will make it easy and fun.  And Wow.  There is an amazing array of blogs out there on the world wide web discussing every aspect of cooking, from planning meals to presentation.  It's great!  I'm especially enamored with Eat at Home  which discusses the fine points of putting a good meal on the table (after a busy day of work/school/anything that makes you crazy...) in 15 minutes of prep time.  Now THAT's my kind of work week cooking experience.  And all the recipes from this blog can be saved ever so easily by sending it to ZipList - an absolutely awesome iPad/iPhone app that enables you not only to save, retrieve and add to a shopping list all those great recipes you see on-line, but it also have an unbelieveable meal planning section that sends the food you chose to eat for the week to your Gmail calendar.  Again Wow.  I love technology. 

So, I feel my journey back to the land of skinny jeans needs to start with the first step - planning. 
I'm going into this with the same mindframe I do when I begin thinking about an idea for a quilt.  I get excited about it, I think of colors and shapes and textures, just like good chefs consider ingrediants when planning an awesome main course.  The materials for each endeavor have to be the best and the techniques need to be refined and practised - it's all about even stitches and good gravy.   And at the end of the exercise the presentation needs to be perfection.....well, at least eatable and appealing to look at.

I wonder if my cooking and meal planning skills would improve if I were to dress myself in a quilt while preparing dinner in the kitchen?  No, I'd probably just set myself on fire!


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